Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm a Tired One.

Wow, I've definitely been suuuper tired this whole weekend - hence why I haven't put up any posts. I feel as though I've been going and going, and my body is just taking a while to catch up. But it's okay. It'll get there. :)


This weekend has been a lot of fun and relaxing at the same time. :) Yesterday morning Eric and I went to the St. Paul Farmer's Market and had a blast walking around and enjoying everything that was there. We got a couple donuts, Eric bought me flowers (again), and we also got raspberries, green beans, and bratwurst! We're incredibly excited to make the brats and beans tomorrow night. We wanted to grill them up tonight, but we're going to a going-away party for our friend Jeff (he's studying at Oxford this semester!) tonight instead. I guess we'll put up with that... ;)

Oh, and just a little while ago I went to another Caribou (one that's just down the street from where we live) to get a drink, and I got talking to one of the team members there. I told her that I live down the street but I work at the Caribou in Mendota Heights, and she said, "Why don't you transfer here?!" That made me feel really awkward since the only reason I go to that Caribou is because it's close and I really love working at the one in Mendota, so I told her, "Well, I just got hired there not that long ago and I really like working there." She shrugged and then told me that she's worked at four stores and that one was the best one she's ever worked at, and if I ever get tired of working at the one in Mendota Heights then I should transfer there. I smiled politely, but since I really don't actually like that Caribou so much I just thought to myself that there's no way I'd transfer there. :) I feel bad that she's so unfortunate that that Caribou is the best one she's ever worked at. Poor girl. I like where I work, and I think I'll stay there for a while, thank you very much. :)

Well, I guess that's all I have for now. I'm going to enjoy my White Mocha and get some rest in before the week starts up again. :)

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